Several of our clients have celebrated some huge successes this season. Take a look! Simon’s Heart Since 2011, Simon's Heart... read more →
Our staff has grown in recent months as we help more organizations use real world evidence to find effective treatments... read more →
Our newest customers provide further examples of how real world evidence (RWE) in healthcare is used. Uveal Melanoma Registry This... read more →
by Joe Ternullo Patients as Partners conferences are the only conferences in the US and Europe dedicated to demonstrating how... read more →
by Joe Ternullo I just returned from Rare Disease Week on Capitol Hill, a spectacular and unique event that Pulse... read more →
Eleven centers to capture patient-reported outcomes about rare form of eye cancer March 4, 2019, Oxford, England & Conshohocken, PA... read more →
This summer, Pulse welcomed: Friedreichs Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA), a non-profit organization dedicated to curing Friedreich’s Ataxia and the related ataxias. The... read more →
Supporting this growth, Pulse Infoframe has added more specialist staff and moved to new, larger offices to better support its clients. In... read more →
We have some exciting updates on two Pulse Infoframe registries. Pan-Canada Cancer Registry The success of the Canadian Melanoma Research Network,... read more →
Proving the power of global collaboration, the Castleman Disease Collaborative Network, an initiative dedicated to accelerating research and treatment for Castleman... read more →